Monday, July 25, 2016


Listen intently to the stories of others and I'll tell you why...

Sometimes in life it's easy just to get stuck, stuck in what’s comfortable, stuck in what we know, what we think makes us happy...

Time starts speeding by and suddenly you wake up and realize being surrounded by all things familiar, these comfortable things might be what’s holding you back...

A wise man once said to me, when you are about to make a decision what would your elder self think of the choice you are about to make?

You start to think that life isn't about being comfortable all the time but just the opposite. So you get up and go, hoping wherever you're headed has the ability to make you feel free, really free...

Tomorrowland was clearly foreshadowing me. With my next trip not planned until January of 2017 I was slowly feeling the life sucked out of me, trapped behind two large computer monitors day after day, chasing the almighty dollar with no longer any idea of why. So when my shaman contacted me about an upcoming trip to explore Mayan Cosmology I quickly booked my flights, and then replied to his email to let him know I was on my way. I figured if he was able to keep me safe traveling across multiple dimensions in the medicine space of Ayahuasca, I’d be in good hands in the jungle of Belize and Guatemala. Of course this would mean I’d be missing another 4th of July gathering at my folks place, sorry for that but I’ll see you all next year. [Begin Journey in to the Mayan Cosmology]

VIDEO: Mayan Cosmology - Introduction


Previous Destinations
Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam)
The Alaskan Wilderness
Africa (Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, South Africa)
Northwest Asia (Bhutan, Myanmar)
Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, South Korea)
Africa (Namibia, Uganda, Botswana)
Ayahuasca in the Amazon (Peru)

Next Destinations
San Pedro in the Sacred Valley (Peru)
